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API 1169 Pipeline Inspector Exam Preparation Course Outline

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Course Description

This course is designed to assist individuals who are scheduled to write the API 1169 Pipeline Inspector Certification Examination. The course consists of approximately 4 to 5 days of online pre-class work (this varies by individual), 3 days of instruction in a Live Webinar, and 3 practice exams. Registrants in this course will be supported through email and phone by the instructor from the start of the pre-class work up to the day of their examination. This course is based on the American documents in the API Effectivity Sheet and the API Body of Knowledge. Please ensure that you obtain the required Codes PRIOR TO THE COURSE! The online pre-course work will include downloads of the federal regulations and related documents but there are important documents that you must purchase or obtain in addition to the supplied documents. Review the API 1169 Effectivity Sheet for more information or contact Kinetic Inspection & Testing for details. See the video below for demonstration of how to use the course materials.


The prime objective of the course is to assist individuals to successfully write and pass the examination for the API 1169 Pipeline Inspector Certification. To accomplish this goal there are several steps, each with specific objectives.

Step 1: Pre-Class Work 

The pre-course online work will be available up to 100 days prior to your course dates. The objective of the pre-class work is to create a basis of knowledge and familiarity with the required documents, as well as to introduce individuals to the required study habits, key concepts and training materials that they will encounter in the classroom portion of the course and the exam. For many individuals, preparing for an important exam that is based on many reference materials is a very challenging task that they may not have attempted for many years. The pre-class work allows course participants an opportunity to become familiar with the course material and documents at their own pace prior to the in-class portion of the course, while being supported by the instructor by email and if needed, telephone. Please be sure to access your online training by logging in to Select "My Account", then look under "Online Training" to find it.

The pre-class work contains written instruction, examples and practice questions to assist exam candidates with:

  • Study methods and suggestions

  • Computer based exam preparation tips

  • Code Navigation

  • Key word and subject recognition

  • training in reading questions in an exam setting

  • gaining an understanding of their own areas of strength and weakness in regards to the required exam knowledge

Please note that the pre-class work does not cover all the documents listed on the API Effectivity Sheet. Rather, a selection of the documents listed in the API Effectivity Sheet that will be closed-book on the exam will be the basis for much of the practice questions and navigation exercises. The pre-class work is intended to get everyone to a basic level of knowledge and preparedness to allow for easier and faster coverage of the material in the in-class portion of the course.

Specific Subjects Covered in Pre-Class Work:

  • API 1169 – Navigation, concepts, key words and practice questions

  • API 1110 – Navigation, concepts, key words and practice questions (does not cover appendices)

  • API Q1 – Section 3, 4, 5 Navigation, key words and practice questions

  • ANSI Z49.1 – Chp.4, 5, 6, 8 Concepts, navigation, overall welding safety key words and welding definitions

  • CGA Best Practices – Overview, practice questions

  • INGAA Construction Safety Guidelines – overview, definitions, practice questions

  • ISO 9000 Quality Management Systems – Definitions, practice questions

  • API 1104 – Sections 3 – 11, navigation, concepts and practice questions, identification of key words

It is the intent of the pre-class work to introduce everyone to the required documents with the goal of creating a basic, common level of knowledge for the course participants in preparation for the in-class course work. Subjects will be linked to the Body of Knowledge required knowledge list to assist candidates in preparing for the examination.

Step 2: In-Class (Live Webinar) Instruction

The objective of the live webinar portion of the course is to provide detailed instruction that will build on the acquired knowledge from the pre-class work. This part of the course will focus heavily on linking concepts and ideas, identifying key words in questions that will direct ones to a certain document or subject, and preparing individuals for the types of questions they will encounter on the API ICP examination.

The live webinar class portion of the course will provide:

  • face to face instruction (a preferred learning method for many)

  • individual instruction opportunities before and after class, and at breaks

  • a review of pre-class concepts and information with new practice questions

  • new information and new concepts, focusing on Code and Standard navigation, key words, exam question wording

  • homework questions to be completed on the first and second nights, reviewed on the second and third mornings to allow for practice and personal assessment of learning

  • Three practice exams and post course lessons to be completed after the course, with instructor support for questions and issues up to the exam day assigned to each individual in the exam window.

Specific Subjects Covered In-Class (Live Webinar)

In the in-class portion of the course, all the pre-course work will be reviewed by means of class discussion and new practice questions primarily designed to be done as homework after class on the first day. Your in class notebook will be shipped out approximately a week prior to the course.

The in-class portion of the course will cover everything listed above for the pre-class portion and will also include all the reference documents that will be provided on the computer screen during the examination. This includes:

  • 49 CFR 192, 49 CFR 195 (Transportation)

  • 29 CFR 1910, 29 CFR 1926, 49, CFR 172 (Safety)

  • 33 CFR 321, 40 CFR 300, Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures, Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation and Maintenance Plan, Migratory Birds Permit, 33 USC Chapter 9, Endangered Species Act of 1973

  • Please note only the applicable parts of these documents will be considered. All of these are available from the API website as pdf’s with only the applicable parts included.

Subjects Covered

As Kinetic Inspection & Testing does not know what questions will be asked on the examination, the course is developed to specifically cover the current API Body of Knowledge issued for the exam. Each point on the Body of Knowledge will be addressed within the content of the course, either by directly introducing it in a practice question or by means of instruction in the classroom and course materials. As the Body of Knowledge changes each year there may be minor variations from what is listed in this outline, which is based on the current Body of Knowledge. The subjects and documents covered in each portion of the course are listed below.

This course will cover the main subject areas as identified by the API Body of Knowledge. Please note there are subjects covered on the Body of Knowledge that are also covered in the course that are not specifically listed here. 

Each document that will be available in the exam (listed above) will be reviewed for content, navigation, key words and concepts with the goal of being able to identify the source material for an exam question and quickly find the reference.

The in-class portion of the course will consider these reference documents by means of instruction and class discussion, and practice questions that will be primarily handled as homework at the end of the second day.

The homework will be reviewed on the second and third mornings. The third morning will be dedicated to finishing up any documents not covered on the second day, reviewing and answering any course participants’ questions, and discussing the challenges of the computer based examination. A review of the API Computer Exam Tutorial will be covered at this point.

The three practice exams will be available online at the end of the course with instructions and suggestions. Course participants will have answer keys for the exams. The exams will be 115 question, multiple choice exams similar to the exam that candidates will be writing.

The intent is for course participants to attempt the exams on their own, timing their attempt and only utilizing the documents that they are allowed during the exam. Instructor support will be available up to the exam day for each individual in the assigned exam window.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Registration in this course does not register an individual for the actual API ICP examination. This must be done through API at API expects all examination candidates to have relatively broad experience and knowledge prior to attempting this examination. If you have any questions regarding your suitability and chances of success in writing this challenging examination, please contact Kinetic Inspection & Testing and we will discuss your specific situation and give you recommendations on courses and training that will suit your specific goals and circumstances. 

Required Documents

Course participants will need and are required to have the documents listed on the API 1169 Effectivity Sheet (American List) prior to attending the course. As it will be virtually impossible to prepare for the exam without the documents please be sure to look after this by the time you begin your pre-course work.  As stated above, Kinetic Inspection & Testing will supply downloads of all the federal regulations and related documents in the download section of your course. However, course participants must obtain API 1169, API 1110 and API 1104, API SPec Q1 on their own. Some students do not purchase all of these documents, if you are wondering what is best for you please call Todd at 780-213-0292 to discuss further.

CPD Hours

Registrants in this course are eligible to earn CPD hours based on the time they spend on self-paced pre-course and post-course learning and the time in the live classes. The online course software will track active hours spent by the course participant in the learning modules and practice questions. A certificate will be issued to the registrant upon completion of the course. This certificate will show the total number of self-paced, tracked hours spent by the course participant and the live class hours, up to a maximum of 40 hours. Please note:

  • Course participants will receive up to a maximum of 40 CPD hours. The 40-hour maximum is not automatic. If a course participant spends less than 40 hours in the course, they will only receive CPD hours for the time tracked.
  • To receive credit for the CPD hours, the entire course must be completed. This includes all lessons, practice questions, quizzes, and Practice Exams. Incomplete training materials are not eligible for CPD hours.
  • CPD hours and completion certificates will not be issued prior to the completion of the course.
  • Course access will end upon issuance of a certificate of completion showing CPD hours.
  • Course participants are responsible for ensuring that CPD hours for self-paced learning are acceptable to the organization they require them for.

Course Extensions, Cancellations, and Transfers

Click here to view our policies regarding extensions, cancellations, and transfers.

Useful Links:

API 1169 Pipeline Inspector Program Information



Ticket Pricing
General $849.00
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Live Webinar Training

Sign up for our instructor led exam preparation courses! Live Webinar training courses that give course participants detailed instruction, real-life examples and practical strategies for preparing for the examination they are writing. Individual instruction time after class is always available, and instructor support in pre and post class work is only an email away!

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API 510 Todd Smith

About the Instructor

Todd Smith has been involved in the welding and pressure equipment industry for 25 years. He has been instructing exam preparation courses with great success for several years now. Energetic and experienced, Todd’s instruction will make a difference for you!

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